Malnutrition remains a pressing issue in Nigeria, particularly among children under 5 and expectant/lactating mothers, impeding the nation’s development. Early childhood malnutrition leads to stunting, hampering physical and cognitive growth, and weakening immunity, predisposing children to infections and chronic ailments. Similarly, pregnant and nursing mothers face heightened nutritional demands, increasing the risk of complications such as low birth weight, maternal anaemia, and maternal mortality.
In a bid to ameliorate this issue, the Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria (ANRiN) Project, funded by the World Bank and spearheaded by Solina Health, is dedicated to combating malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months and pregnant or nursing mothers in five states: Abia, Oyo, Gombe, Kwara, and Plateau. Since its launch in August 2021, the project has strategically navigated challenges to implement effective solutions.

The ANRiN project adopts a comprehensive approach to enhance nutritional outcomes in the targeted states. This includes the distribution of Albendazole to combat worm infestation in children, Micronutrient Powder (MNP) to boost immune function and appetite, Vitamin A to safeguard against blindness and strengthen immunity, Zinc/ORS to prevent dehydration and promote intestinal health, Iron Folic Acid (IFA) to support healthy pregnancies, and Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) Counselling to empower mothers with essential nutritional knowledge.
With over one million beneficiaries already reached, the ANRiN project is making significant strides towards achieving its objectives within the stipulated three-year timeframe. By prioritizing nutrition, ANRiN is not only improving health outcomes for mothers and children but also contributing to the overall well-being of Nigerians.