Lessons Learned from the Northern Nigerian Routine Immunization Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs): Implications for the National Emergency Maternal and Child Health Intervention Center (NEMCHIC)
A number of state governments in northern Nigeria entered into MOU partnerships with development partners to address complex challenges with the health system.
The MOUs were set up as platforms for pushing political and financial commitments and accountability in routine immunization (RI) and primary health care (PHC) over a defined timeline, which has led to state governments taking up full responsibility for a strengthened health system.
These platforms aimed at ensuring sustainable financing for state immunization programs, drive collaborations between partners, and ultimately improve coverage rates.
By harmonizing partner interests, resources, and targets, the MOUs prevented duplication of efforts, enabled sharing of resources and knowledge to drive program effectiveness, and created momentum to attract more funding through a common platform that demonstrates legitimacy.
The MOUs also facilitated the conceptualization and implementation of interventions to address specific challenges identified as barriers to service delivery and uptake. Through the MOUs, partners and government contributed funds into dedicated state-managed program accounts (basket funds) to finance RI and PHC.
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