SCIDaR manages the performance frameworks of the TAs, PMs, DPMs and RIOs (full meaning) through; predetermined performance indicators and data-driven spot checks in Nasarawa, Plateau, Niger and Kogi states. SCIDaR also conducts capacity gap assessment for key program officers and capacity building for assessed staff with established weaknesses.

In this project, SCIDaR evaluates TAs, PMs, DPMs and RIOs based on their performance frameworks and calculates quarterly performance bonuses with recommendations for improvement. Also, the team provides technical support by reviewing, implementing, tracking work plans SERICCs and LERICCs and providing regular feedback to TAs and RIOs.


SCIDaR offers dynamic and rewarding opportunities to individuals who desire to gain experience and develop key professional skills while also working to contribute to SCIDaR’s organizational goals within six (6) months.


Our vision is to become a leading organization working to accelerate social, health, and economic development of under- served populations