Adebisi Adeyoyin
Adebisi is an enthusiastic management consultant with a background in pure and applied mathematics, an MSc in mathematical sciences, and a passion for strengthening health systems and innovative program design and management, especially for maternal and child health programs.

SCIDaR provides an enabling environment to actualise one’s career objectives

About Adebisi

Adebisi is an enthusiastic management consultant with a background in pure and applied mathematics, an MSc in mathematical sciences, and a passion for strengthening health systems and innovative program design and management, especially for maternal and child health programs.

Working at SCIDaR

With over five (5) years of experience designing and implementing health systems strengthening interventions in Nigeria, Adebisi’s knowledge and expertise span immunization, maternal and child health programs, knowledge management, and health systems leadership development. Adebisi joined SCIDaR as an intern in 2017 after bagging first-class honours and distinction in her first and second degrees and has maintained steady growth over the years. Working in SCIDaR has provided Adebisi the opportunity to actualise some of her career objectives which includes using her analytical and problem solving skills to support key stakeholders in the Government to make informed decisions targetted at improving child and maternal health outcomes in Nigeria. Currently, she leads the knowledge management and communications workstream for an MSD for Mothers funded postpartum haemorrhage reduction program in Kano, Lagos, and Niger States. Prior to this program, Adebisi worked on a BMGF-funded Northern Nigerian Routine Immunization Strengthening Program in Kano State, Nigeria. She was part of the team that designed and commenced the implementation of the Kano State Health Systems strengthening MoU, which has set the pace for broadening the Northern Nigerian Routine Immunization Program (NNRISP) to broader primary health care in Bauchi, Borno, Kaduna, Sokoto, and Yobe states.


Ladoke University of Technology, Nigeria
Pure and Applied Mathematics
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Tanzania
Mathematical Sciences


SCIDaR offers dynamic and rewarding opportunities to individuals who desire to gain experience and develop key professional skills while also working to contribute to SCIDaR’s organizational goals within six (6) months.


Our vision is to become a leading organization working to accelerate social, health, and economic development of under- served populations