As a Cell biologist in a country plagued with numerous public health challenges, SCIDaR provides an avenue and platform for Thelma to passionately participate in closing public health gaps. Thelma’s desires and beliefs that every individual should have access to good, quality and healthy living have been a driving force in all of her projects as it propels her to meticulously derive and proffer solutions to some of the public health challenges experienced daily. SCIDaR has created an enabling environment for Thelma to actively contribute her quota to the betterment of quality and healthy living, making the work much more satisfying, enjoyable, pleasant and rewarding.
Thelma has worked at SCIDaR for over two years with a focus on Maternal mortality reduction and Supply chain systems strengthening. She has worked closely with the Lagos State government on the Smiles for Mothers program to achieve various milestones including the introduction of new uterotonics; heat-stable Carbetocin into the uterotonics mix in the state, improvement of healthcare worker’s capacity on supply chain management and pharmacovigilance through in-class sessions and on-the-job mentoring, and the review of the Lagos State Essential Medicine List to capture the essential medicines needs of the state. Thelma also currently works on the FOR M(om) program to monitor program interventions, evaluate outcomes and disseminate key program learnings to the public, including relevant stakeholders, agencies and developmental partners.
SCIDaR aims to improve health outcomes through effective program implementation, capacity building and dissemination of insights and with each deliverable achieved, Thelma is contributing to the overall organizational goals.