
Think-cell is a leading productivity tool designed for professionals who need to create data-driven presentations quickly and efficiently. It integrates seamlessly with Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel, enabling users to create complex charts such as waterfalls, Gantt charts, and Marimekkos in just a few clicks. Think-cell’s primary strength lies in its ability to automate chart creation and updates, eliminating the manual effort of designing and formatting visuals.

Key Features of think-cell
Advanced Charting Capabilities
Think-cell provides a wide range of chart types, including:

Waterfall charts
Gantt charts
Marimekko charts
Bubble charts
Scatter plots
These charts go beyond the standard PowerPoint offerings, allowing for more nuanced and customized data representation.

Automatic Chart Layout
Think-cell simplifies chart creation with intelligent algorithms that automatically arrange and align chart elements, such as labels, legends, and data segments, to minimize manual adjustments.

Excel Integration
Think-cell allows seamless data import from Excel. Any updates made to the Excel file are automatically reflected in the PowerPoint charts, ensuring data consistency and saving time.

Time-Saving Features

Smart Text Boxes: Automatically align text elements across slides.
Consistent Formatting: Think-cell automatically matches chart styles with your presentation theme.
Quick Chart Customization: Add elements like CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate), difference arrows, or segment breakdowns with just a few clicks.
Gantt Charts for Project Timelines
Think-cell’s Gantt charts are ideal for showcasing project timelines, milestones, and dependencies. Customization options make it easy to communicate schedules effectively.

Powerful Data Labels
Think-cell offers dynamic data labels that adjust automatically based on the chart’s layout. You can display percentages, values, or custom metrics without cluttering the chart.

Usability Features

Easy-to-use Interface: The intuitive design ensures you don’t need advanced technical knowledge to use the tool.
Copy-Paste Functionality: Charts created in think-cell can be copied into other software like Word without losing quality or interactivity.

There is a searchable online documentation for detailed instructions to get started with think-cell. Their screen-casts show quick examples of how to build charts.

For more information on Think-cell and its functionality, please visit the Think-cell website.

Usage terms

Think-cell offers their software for free to academic or non-profit organizations, used exclusively for education, public research or direct non-profit core operations.

The software is available for free to SCIDaR employees. To gain access to a think-cell license key, you should contact SCIDaR’s IT Team.


SCIDaR offers dynamic and rewarding opportunities to individuals who desire to gain experience and develop key professional skills while also working to contribute to SCIDaR’s organizational goals within six (6) months.


Our vision is to become a leading organization working to accelerate social, health, and economic development of under- served populations